The Politics of the Food System with Jyoti Fernandes
  • Food Systems
  • Theory

The Politics of the Food System with Jyoti Fernandes

  • Food Systems
  • Theory

The Politics of the Food System with Jyoti Fernandes

Trailer 1 min watch

About this course

Industrial agriculture poses numerous challenges to the health of the land and people, whilst agroecological food growing has the potential to protect nature, guarantee farmers’ livelihoods, and provide fresh organic food for local communities. Join Jyoti Fernandes on her farm in Dorset, UK, where she teaches about the intricacies of building a better, equitable food system that supports farmers, land and food sovereignty together. This course will help you understand the landscape of the food system and the action you can take to support farmers’ livelihoods and shift policies that ensure an equitable food future.

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding the Historical Challenges of the Food System 
  • Shifting from Food Security to Food Sovereignty
  • The Environmental Impact of Food Systems
  • Rewards for Agroecological Practices
  • Balancing Global Trade and Local Farming
  • The Power of Collaboration
  • Participation in a Better Fairer Food System

Course modules

  1. Introduction to a Fairer Food System

    2 min
  2. Lesson 1: The Transition to Industrial Agriculture

    13 min
  3. Lesson 2: Food Sovereignty vs Food Security

    10 min
  4. Lesson 3: Agroecological Food Webs

    10 min
  5. Lesson 4: Rewarding Agroecological Farmers

    8 min
  6. Lesson 5: Protecting Trade Agreements

    10 min
  7. Lesson 6: The Key is Collaboration

    7 min
  8. Outro: Action From The Ground Up

    2 min
+61 members


  • Location: Dorset, UK
  • Biome: Everywhere
  • Number of Modules: 6
  • Duration: 55 minutes

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About Jyoti Fernandes

Co-founder of the Landworkers’ Alliance, Jyoti is an agroecological smallholder farmer based in Dorset, UK where she runs a micro dairy and produces a wide range of products from cheese and meats to cider, juice and preserves. She coordinates the Policy, Lobbying and Campaigning work of the Landworkers’ Alliance and is spokesperson for La Via Campesina, which represents over 200m people in more than 180 countries.

Jyoti Fernandes

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